As the state's budget was finalized including the $4 billion cut to education funding, the credit union has begun to see the effects first hand. This is new teacher time, a time for our team to show the new teachers that come to our districts that we remain an organization dedicated to serving the financial needs of teachers. We understand teachers because many of us at the credit union are married to teachers or have children that teach and let's not forget our volunteer board of directors who have all worked for our local school districts. Well, new teacher time has certainly changed.
The number of new teacher events we will be participating in has dropped dramatically. The number of new teachers we will honor at these events has dropped even more dramatically. For example, the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce 45th Annual New Teacher Luncheon will host about 150 new teachers which is half the normal number and includes hiring for a new grade level and the newest high school. At that same luncheon we will be honoring teachers who have taught in CCISD for over 25 years. We get to welcome the new and honor and thank the experienced and dedicated teachers at the same time.
It may not feel like it all the time and this may be a strange and unprecedented time in education in this state but as an organization we would like to welcome those few new teachers and thank all teachers for what they do for our community and students. We really do get it.