Friday, January 29, 2010

Start the New Year Securely

Let's make 2010 a safe year. With identity theft and online fraud on the rise, we'd like to share a few simple tips to help you stay safe.
  1. You can obtain a free credit report from each of the three credit bureaus each year by visiting

    We recommend that members only download one of the three and then four months later download the next one and so on. This is a great way for members to monitor their credit and minimize the effects of identity theft.
  2. Reduce the amount of mail you receive which contains account numbers and other important information. The majority of identity theft still occurs via mail and printed documents. Many companies offer this information online. For example, your monthly statements are available online at most financial institutions and utility companies, including your credit union.
  3. Keep an up to date Internet security program running. The amount of malware has exploded and should one gain access to your system, it could give a hacker information to everything you type including usernames and passwords. If you are cost conscious, there are free alternatives available such as Microsoft Security Essentials.
  4. Educate yourself about the latest scams. The credit union's website has page that is updated but there are many sources to obtain this information such as the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Have a great suggestion that you would like to share? Either post it here or send an e-mail to